"o" string -> 1
"\n\n" string -> 1
111 integer -> 1
"M(" string -> 1
'.' char -> 1
477 integer -> 1
[ foldop: min -> 1
"Average:" string -> 1
+ zipop: add -> 1
255 integer -> 1
"Case #" string -> 1
"BLACK""WHITE" string list -> 1
"IVXLCDM" string -> 1
"p(" string -> 1
")=" string -> 1
511 integer -> 1
2849784681 integer -> 1
"b" string -> 1
-209 to base from data arg -> 1
"p" string -> 1
" " string -> 1
20309 integer -> 1
;;_ -> 1
"ikea""prog" string list -> 1
"range(" string -> 1
36 integer -> 1
s isSpace -> 1
-52 to base from data arg -> 1
11 to base from data arg -> 1
66 integer -> 1
4291 integer -> 1
22 integer -> 1
463 integer -> 1
"*|" string -> 1
": " string -> 1
"\\{}$&\\#^_\\ \\\\~%" string -> 1
499 integer -> 1
-2 integer -> 1
"I" string -> 1
"IV " string -> 1
3 to base from data arg -> 1
"AEIOU" string -> 1
S not.isSpace -> 1
"aeiou" string -> 1
^ foldop: pow -> 1
"yes " string -> 1
"KI-YO-SHI!" string -> 1
15 to base from data arg -> 1
6 to base from data arg -> 1
~ center -> 1
"2" string -> 1
"5" string -> 1
"->" string -> 1
"Hello, World!\n" string -> 1
'R' char -> 1
520 integer -> 1
"e" string -> 1
24 integer -> 1
1970 integer -> 1
30 integer -> 1
28 integer -> 1
"-e " string -> 1
"\" \"" string -> 1
13 hashmod arg -> 1
"False""True" string list -> 1
-24 to base from data arg -> 1
"Hello, " string -> 1
"world" string -> 1
" is " string -> 1
"not " string -> 1
-28 to base from data arg -> 1
17 integer -> 1
341 integer -> 1
8 to base from data arg -> 1
765259900 integer -> 1
512 integer -> 1
" is -" string -> 1
"-""rwx" string list -> 1
" 54321*0" string -> 1
127 hashmod arg -> 1
15 integer -> 1
"snidge" string -> 1
"397 " string -> 1
10 hashmod arg -> 1
"luka " string -> 1
"tu " string -> 1
"wan" string -> 1
"ala" string -> 1
"v" string -> 1
"aeio" string -> 1
' ' char -> 1
"zo" string -> 1
"ttffssen" string -> 1
"te" string -> 1
25 to base from data arg -> 1
302400 integer -> 1
257 integer -> 1
105 integer -> 1
500 integer -> 1
180 integer -> 1
"# " string -> 1
16 to base from data arg -> 1
"\'" string -> 1
"t\'s " string -> 1
"j" string -> 1
"c" string -> 1
" doo" string -> 1
37 integer -> 1
-41 to base from data arg -> 1
"!," string -> 1
"ijk1" string -> 1
"NNQBB" string -> 1
"RKR" string -> 1
930 integer -> 1
25 integer -> 1
41 integer -> 1
11 hashmod arg -> 1
"Pass" string -> 1
"Fail" string -> 1
"xo-" string -> 1
'`' char -> 1
".#" string -> 1
! zipop: abs diff -> 1
D not.isDigit -> 1
"yesno" string -> 1
"(" string -> 1
"[]" string -> 1
"=" string -> 1
46 integer -> 1
"* " string -> 1
"_" string -> 1
'\\' char -> 1
'|' char -> 1
26 integer -> 1
19 integer -> 1
237 integer -> 1
"02/ 2/ \n" string -> 1
7 hashmod arg -> 1
'<' char -> 1
" you" string -> 1
"If\n\'" string -> 1
-33 to base from data arg -> 1
";" string -> 1
"`" string -> 1
L not.isLower -> 1
"--" string -> 1
"\\" string -> 1
256 to base from data arg -> 1
"YES" string -> 2
2 hashmod arg -> 2
29 integer -> 2
'a' char -> 2
49 integer -> 2
u isUpper -> 2
"#" string -> 2
* foldop: mult -> 2
7 integer -> 2
"1." string -> 2
13 integer -> 2
~ par...... -> 2
"]" string -> 2
> foldop: max by fn -> 2
'A' char -> 2
~ ...tition -> 2
a isAlpha -> 2
5 hashmod arg -> 2
n isAlphaNum -> 2
"[" string -> 2
256 integer -> 2
"" string -> 2
"!" string -> 2
33 integer -> 2
35 integer -> 2
- zipop: sub -> 2
'@' char -> 2
-4 integer -> 2
"*" string -> 2
"x" string -> 2
-26 to base from data arg -> 2
100 to base from data arg -> 2
"NO" string -> 2
~ default -> 3
11 integer -> 3
2 to base from data arg -> 3
intMatrix -> 3
")" string -> 3
12 integer -> 3
50 integer -> 3
"/" string -> 3
16 integer -> 3
+ foldop: add -> 3
, zipop: make tuple -> 3
"." string -> 3
32 integer -> 3
~ nosort -> 3
31 integer -> 3
-1 integer -> 3
: foldop: cons -> 3
] foldop: max -> 3
"+" string -> 4
8 integer -> 4
20 integer -> 4
60 integer -> 4
; foldop: rev cons -> 4
"0" string -> 4
;;$ -> 4
40 integer -> 4
":" string -> 5
"," string -> 6
: zipop: cons -> 6
= zipop: subscript -> 6
~ zipop: by -> 7
~ not -> 8
9 integer -> 9
sorry, i don't understand this code. please report. -> 9
6 integer -> 11
4 integer -> 12
allInput -> 13
5 integer -> 13
1 integer -> 13
"\n" string -> 14
sndInt -> 18
sndLine -> 19
10 integer -> 20
3 integer -> 21
;_ -> 21
0 integer -> 23
allLines -> 25
;@ -> 26
;;@ -> 26
" " string -> 30
;$ -> 33
2 integer -> 35
ints -> 38
fstLine -> 95
_ -> 98
fstInt -> 114
implicit arg -> 148
~ auto -> 192
@ -> 212
$ -> 344