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"Relationship+ranking.html" "Repeated+Number.html" "Replace+exercise+2.html" "Replace+exercise.html" "Reverse+Repeated+Printing.html" "Reverse+lines+and+words.html" "Reversed+8bit+numbers.html" "SMRPG+Level+Up+Bonus.html" "Scrabble+score.html" "Set+symmetric+difference.html" "Shifting+Pattern+Fixed.html" "Sign+of+permutations.html" "Simple+Hexagony+BIG.html" "Simple+Hexagony.html" "Snowfall.html" "Sort+Suffixes.html" "Space+Index.html" "Stars+and+Bars.html" "Stepping+Space+Removal.html" "Stop+five+after+nonzero.html" "Stop+on+nonzero.html" "Strings+in+Strings.html" "Subfactorial+FIXED.html" "Sum+of+Divisors+for+OCaml+Golf+Competition.html" "Sum+the+deltas.html" "TeX+catcode.html" "Ten+Count.html" "The+B+Programming+Language.html" "The+Golden+Ratio.html" "The+Worst+Error+Correction+Method.html" "TheoWrrst+Error+Cttreccioneret+od.html" "Timeout.html" "Transpose.html" "Triangular+Text.html" "Truth+Machine.html" "Twelve.html" "UPPERCASE.html" "Updown+numbers.html" "VIDE+DICEQVE.html" "Vowel+Density+FIXED.html" "Vowel+Heavy.html" "XOR+Exponents.html" "Yes.html" "ZunDokoKiyoshi.html" "absolute+value.html" "alphabetically+ordered+words.html" "alternating+case+lines.html" "ascending+chars.html" "ascii+diagonal.html" "atomic+numbers.html" "baker+problem.html" "beekeeping.html" "binary.html" "bruh+sort.html" "char+pyramid.html" "character+subsets.html" "checkers+pattern.html" "chemical+equation.html" "code+dot+golf+sample+code.html" "code+golf+meetup.html" "combination.html" "compression+challenge+but+not+in+the+way+you+think.html" "count+down.html" "count+up+digits.html" "cumulative+max+folding.html" "decode+pressure.html" "different+letters+parity.html" "duplicate+lines.html" "e+or+x.html" "eight+hundred.html" "euro+denominations.html" "find+anagrams.html" "floor+log2.html" "from+UNIX+time.html" "greater+than+N.html" "grep+golfing+technique.html" "hackerman.html" "halting+problem.html" "hello+WORLD.html" "hello+golfers.html" "hex+table.html" "integer+concatenation.html" "join+lines.html" "last+non+zero.html" "leap+year.html" "lower+bounds+for+acceptable+dating.html" "make+100+ver2.html" "mix+lines.html" "multiples.html" "n+section.html" "next+odd+number.html" "number+slide.html" "numof+1+bits+in+0+to+255.html" "odd+lines.html" "outer+product.html" "packed+UTF+9.html" "parity+of+numbers.html" "pascal+to+the+moon.html" "permission+list.html" "polarised+political+climate.html" "prime+powers.html" "print+the+2nd.html" "rad+math.html" "read+english+numbers.html" "repeated+permutation.html" "reversed+even+or+odd+first.html" "rotate+arrows+FIXED.html" "rotate+arrows.html" "rotate+counterclockwise+.html" "rotate+lines+reversely.html" "segs.html" "simple+language.html" "snidge+triangle+edition.html" "sort+by+first+occurrence.html" "sort+permutations.html" "sort.html" "squeeze+FIXED.html" "stable+partition.html" "stratum.html" "sum+input.html" "sum+of+numbers.html" "sum+of+square+numbers.html" "sum+of+subsequences.html" "sum+of+two+cubes.html" "swab.html" "tails.html" "test.html" "testing+23.html" "thue_morse+newline+separated.html" "toki+pona+numbers.html" "two+weeks+per+column+calendar.html" "uniq+chars.html" "uniq+words.html" "v.html" "vo+we++l+++spa++++ci+++++ng.html" "word+block.html" "xnor+2+electric+boogaloo.html" "xnor.html" "yesno.html" "zottffssentettffssen.html" "o" string -> 1 "\n\n" string -> 1 111 integer -> 1 "M(" string -> 1 '.' char -> 1 477 integer -> 1 [ foldop: min -> 1 "Average:" string -> 1 + zipop: add -> 1 255 integer -> 1 "Case #" string -> 1 "BLACK""WHITE" string list -> 1 "IVXLCDM" string -> 1 "p(" string -> 1 ")=" string -> 1 511 integer -> 1 2849784681 integer -> 1 "b" string -> 1 -209 to base from data arg -> 1 "p" string -> 1 " " string -> 1 20309 integer -> 1 ;;_ -> 1 "ikea""prog" string list -> 1 "range(" string -> 1 36 integer -> 1 s isSpace -> 1 -52 to base from data arg -> 1 11 to base from data arg -> 1 66 integer -> 1 4291 integer -> 1 22 integer -> 1 463 integer 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