arity 0 types , sum = 1689 49 integer -> 2 'a' char -> 2 "NO" string -> 2 "YES" string -> 2 33 integer -> 2 `, range from 0 auto1 -> 2 - zipop: sub -> 2 "#" string -> 2 * foldop: mult -> 2 256 integer -> 2 ~ ...tition -> 2 7 integer -> 2 ~ par...... -> 2 13 integer -> 2 'A' char -> 2 > foldop: max by fn -> 2 "1." string -> 2 a isAlpha -> 2 `$ signum auto1 -> 2 n isAlphaNum -> 2 "" string -> 2 "!" string -> 2 u isUpper -> 2 5 hashmod arg -> 2 35 integer -> 2 100 to base from data arg -> 2 '@' char -> 2 "]" string -> 2 "x" string -> 2 -26 to base from data arg -> 2 "*" string -> 2 29 integer -> 2 2 hashmod arg -> 2 -4 integer -> 2 "[" string -> 2 + foldop: add -> 3 11 integer -> 3 2 to base from data arg -> 3 ")" string -> 3 50 integer -> 3 "/" string -> 3 ~ default -> 3 16 integer -> 3 , zipop: make tuple -> 3 32 integer -> 3 "." string -> 3 12 integer -> 3 31 integer -> 3 -1 integer -> 3 : foldop: cons -> 3 ] foldop: max -> 3 ~ nosort -> 3 20 integer -> 4 "+" string -> 4 ;;$ -> 4 ; foldop: rev cons -> 4 "0" string -> 4 8 integer -> 4 40 integer -> 4 60 integer -> 4 ":" string -> 5 = zipop: subscript -> 6 : zipop: cons -> 6 "," string -> 6 ~ zipop: by -> 7 ^ pow auto1 auto2 -> 7 ~ not -> 8 9 integer -> 9 sorry, i don't understand this code. please report. -> 9 6 integer -> 11 , range from 1 auto1 -> 11 4 integer -> 12 5 integer -> 13 1 integer -> 13 "\n" string -> 14 10 integer -> 20 ;_ -> 21 `D to base from data -> 21 3 integer -> 21 0 integer -> 23 ;@ -> 26 ;;@ -> 26 " " string -> 30 ;$ -> 33 2 integer -> 35 _ -> 98 implicit arg -> 148 ~ auto -> 192 @ -> 212 $ -> 344 arity 1 types [[int],[int]], sum = 1 types [[chr,int]], sum = 1 types [int,chr], sum = 2 types [chr,int], sum = 2 types [int,int,int,int], sum = 2 types int,int,int,int, sum = 2 `. iterate while uniq -> 2 types int,int,int, sum = 3 `. iterate while uniq -> 3 types int,int, sum = 3 `. iterate while uniq -> 2 types [int,int,int], sum = 4 types [int,int], sum = 6 . map -> 2 types [[[chr]]], sum = 14 + concat -> 2 `' transpose -> 2 `* nary cartesian product -> 2 . map -> 2 implicit map -> 3 types chr, sum = 37 , range from 1 -> 2 - subtract auto2 -> 2 + add auto2 -> 2 `( to lowercase -> 3 o ord -> 3 ; save -> 4 `) to uppercase -> 6 \ char class -> 10 types [[int]], sum = 38 / foldr1 -> 2 | filter -> 2 implicit map -> 3 >> tail -> 3 `* nary cartesian product -> 3 + concat -> 8 . map -> 13 types [[chr]], sum = 155 `) swapped uncons -> 2 / foldr -> 2 `/ chunks of auto1 -> 2 =~ group by (also sorts) -> 2 =\ scanl1 -> 2 `< sort -> 3 << init -> 3 ; save -> 3 , length -> 5 >> tail -> 5 `( uncons -> 5 `* nary cartesian product -> 6 | filter -> 6 ! zip with -> 7 / foldr1 -> 11 `' transpose -> 11 implicit map -> 12 \ reverse -> 13 . map -> 15 + concat -> 33 types [int], sum = 242 ``p permutations -> 2 =\ scanl1 -> 2 `\ n chunks auto1 -> 2 `( uncons -> 2 implicit foldl1 -> 2 + add auto1 -> 3 `_ subsequences auto1 -> 3 =\ scanl -> 3 << init -> 3 `/ special folds -> 3 `\ special scans -> 3 `= chunk by -> 4 : append auto2 -> 4 `/ chunks of auto1 -> 6 =~ group by (also sorts) -> 7 , length -> 7 ; save -> 8 >> tail -> 9 `< sort -> 10 ! zip with -> 11 `* product -> 12 | filter -> 15 implicit map -> 16 / foldr1 -> 19 + sum -> 20 \ reverse -> 24 . map -> 34 types int, sum = 248 hex to/from hex -> 2 @ -> 2 $ -> 2 : append auto2 -> 2 ? if/else -> 2 `# hashmod -> 2 ^ pow auto2 -> 3 * multiply auto1 -> 3 - subtract auto1 -> 3 `. iterate while uniq -> 4 implicit string concatenation -> 4 `$ signum -> 5 `@ to base auto1 -> 5 ch chr -> 5 == equal? -> 6 / divide auto2 -> 8 % modulus auto2 -> 8 * multiply auto2 -> 11 `p int to str -> 11 ^ pow auto1 -> 13 implicit map with implicit range -> 13 - subtract auto2 -> 14 `, range from 0 -> 22 + add auto2 -> 22 ; save -> 23 , range from 1 -> 47 types [chr], sum = 248 `% step auto1 -> 2 or or -> 2 == equal? -> 2 hex to/from hex -> 2 / foldr -> 2 `) swapped uncons -> 3 =~ group by (also sorts) -> 3 -~ strip -> 3 ^ replicate auto1 -> 3 `= chunk by -> 4 << init -> 4 `. iterate while uniq -> 5 `' transpose -> 5 `$ uniq -> 5 `/ chunks of auto1 -> 6 >> tail -> 7 `# hashmod -> 7 ! zip with -> 8 `< sort -> 9 `r read int -> 9 `( uncons -> 9 ; save -> 10 `\ special scans -> 11 | filter -> 12 \ reverse -> 18 . map -> 20 , length -> 21 / foldr1 -> 21 % split (remove empties) auto2 -> 24 arity 2 types [chr],[chr], [int], sum = 1 types ???, ???, sum = 1 types ???,???, [chr], sum = 1 types [[[chr]]], [[chr]],int, sum = 1 types int, int,int, sum = 1 types [int,int,int], int, sum = 1 types [[chr]], [[chr]],int, sum = 1 types chr, chr,[chr], sum = 1 types [chr], [chr],[chr], sum = 1 types ???, [???], sum = 1 types [int,int], int, sum = 2 < take -> 2 types [[[chr]]], int, sum = 2 types [[chr]],int, int, sum = 2 ? if/else -> 2 types [[chr]], [[chr]], sum = 2 : append -> 2 types [int], chr, sum = 3 + add -> 3 types ???, [chr], sum = 3 implicit string concatenation -> 3 types [[int]], int, sum = 4 = subscript (wrapped) -> 2 types [int], [int], sum = 7 `% split list (keep empties) -> 2 : append -> 4 types [chr], [int], sum = 12 : append -> 2 implicit string concatenation -> 2 * join -> 8 types chr, chr, sum = 13 : append -> 2 / divide -> 2 - subtract -> 3 ? if/else -> 3 types chr, int, sum = 23 / divide -> 2 % modulus -> 2 - subtract -> 3 + add -> 3 ^ replicate -> 4 ? if/else -> 6 types [chr], chr, sum = 26 implicit string concatenation -> 2 ? index -> 5 : append -> 15 types [[chr]], [chr], sum = 28 ? index -> 3 : append -> 11 * join -> 13 types [[chr]], int, sum = 32 =~ subscript nowrap -> 2 ^ replicate -> 2 ? if/else -> 2 ~ tuple -> 4 implicit tuple -> 4 < take -> 5 = subscript (wrapped) -> 12 types [int], int, sum = 40 `_ subsequences -> 2 ^ replicate -> 2 = subscript (wrapped) -> 3 `/ chunks of -> 3 + add -> 4 > drop -> 4 `@ from base -> 4 : append -> 6 < take -> 10 types [chr], int, sum = 81 `< take also drop -> 4 < take -> 5 ? if/else -> 6 > drop -> 6 = subscript (wrapped) -> 9 implicit string concatenation -> 10 : append -> 14 ^ replicate -> 22 types [chr], [chr], sum = 112 implicit tuple -> 2 ~ tuple -> 3 `: list of 2 lists -> 4 `% split list (keep empties) -> 5 - diff -> 6 % split (remove empties) -> 14 : append -> 35 implicit string concatenation -> 42 types int, int, sum = 261 [ min -> 2 `% moddiv -> 2 ;$ -> 2 != abs diff -> 2 : append -> 3 implicit tuple -> 3 ~ tuple -> 4 `^ bit xor -> 4 `& bit intersection -> 5 `/ divmod -> 8 ? if/else -> 12 `@ to base -> 20 / divide -> 22 ^ pow -> 23 % modulus -> 27 - subtract -> 37 + add -> 39 * multiply -> 45 arity 3 types [chr], [chr], [chr], sum = 1 types [[chr]], [chr], int, sum = 3 & justify -> 3 types [chr], int, int, sum = 4 & justify -> 4 types [chr], [chr], int, sum = 7 & justify -> 6 types int, int, int, sum = 8 ~~ 3-ary tuple -> 3 implicit tuple -> 4 arity 4 types int, int, int, int, sum = 4 ~~~ 4-ary tuple -> 2 implicit tuple -> 2