Try it!

You can use the online repl or download the source and just run:


To run code from a file:

atlas filename.atl

You will need Ruby, I have tested it to work with 2.7 and 3.1.


Using it in non repl mode is actually very similar to just piping each line of your file into the repl. One difference is that in repl mode a list of vectors of ints/strings will print with a space between them instead of a newline. You can still use the print command to see how it would print in non repl mode.

repl mode will also warn you if you use unset identifiers (which normally default to their string value or roman numeral value, e.g. Fizz = "Fizz", IX = 9). This could be useful to catch typos. So it may be worth developing from a file in repl mode on too, which can be done with the -repl_mode flag (and you can use the repl with -no_repl_mode if you wish as well).

Debug Features

These commands may be useful for debugging: